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1007, 2023

Is typing going to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence?

By |July 10th, 2023|Categories: Geen categorie|

Is typing going to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is created to assist in conversing with users and performing various tasks. However, it is not meant to replace typing, but rather to automate certain aspects of human-computer communication. ChatGPT, for example, utilizes natural language processing techniques to analyze messages and provide relevant responses based on context and user intention. This can prove advantageous in situations where [...]

1604, 2020

Why blind typing costs so much less energy than non-blind typing

By |April 16th, 2020|Categories: Typing|

My beautiful broken mind Why blind typing costs so much less energy than non-blind typing. I watched a beautiful documentary: "My beautiful broken mind." This documentary tells the rehabilitation process of a young woman who has had a severe cerebral hemorrhage. The young woman has lost her linguistic ability because of the cerebral injury: she has a lot of trouble finding the right words while speaking and cannot read and [...]




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